Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rat Bastards #8

Rat Bastards #8
  1. FCI Milan was a terrible place, even for a prison.
  2. Even Danbury was better compared to FCI, and they were built the same year.
  3. When Shea checked into his sentace he went in in all style.
  4. thanks to his lawyer and a good exuse from Red's mother Shea was tranfered to Fort-Dixon.
  5. Fort-dix was where Jonh wouls luckily spend most of his sentance.


  1. How did you go about time in the right way?
  2. Where the irish and the italians friendly out side of prison or was it just out of respect?
  3. Why are some prisons better than others?
  4. Was there as much homosexuality in For-Dix?


  1. FCI: Federal Correctional Institution
  2. deck: to knock somebody down
  3. jovial: happy

literary terms

  1. moral: Shea lived by his moral of don't rat
  2. Personificaton: when decribing the prisons Red gave it life alomost

Over view

  1. Chapters 25-28 spoke about the daily ongoings of Shea's life in prision.

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