Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Irish Americans #3

1. Many people call the period between 1700-1840 the Forgotten period.
2. The Irish went threw alot of transittion.
3. People from Ireland even Dreesed as women to leave the country.
4. Only about 20 percent of the Irsh that imigrated were Catholics.
5. Around 1790 most of the imigrants were political radicals.

1. Why were Catholics so few in nubers?
2. Who was Carey, Mathew?
3. What was the Volunteer's Journal?

1. Radicalism- the sate of being radical
2. sought- to find
3. revolutionary- new

Literary terms
1. "... like exiles." similie
2. "... independace as its a goal." similie

Over Veiw
1. This chapter started speakin about transions the irish face and there coming over to america.

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