Friday, October 24, 2008

rat bastards #7

Rat Bastards #7
  1. When Shea was arrested for assult and battery it was just alittle of what was soon to come.
  2. The whole police force of boston took pride in knowing that Shea and others like him were apprehended for some time.
  3. Many of the Irish Mob made front page news
  4. After a long time encarserated John manage to be aloud on house arrest.
  5. For being a stand-up guy and refusinf to rat caused him alot of heat ache in the end but gave him alot of respect.


  1. Why were they so tough on Red inparticular?
  2. How long was Shea on house arrest?
  3. How did Whitey respond to seeing his top guy go down?
  4. Was Whitey in on everything the whole time?


  1. nicks: a cut
  2. swarm: large masses
  3. battering: repeated beating

Over view

  1. Chapters 21-24 spoke about Shea's problems with the court systems and his sentance.

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