Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the irish american #1

1. Religion was a majior part of the history of Ireland.
2. When Protestants won the Battle of Boyne River it sent Catholics into a religious upheaval.
3. After the Protestants took over Catholics where horribly mistreated.
4. It was so bad at one point Catholics were forbbiden to buy land or vote.
5. The law againts Catholics called the penal laws were to difficult to enforce so the church survived.

1. Why did the Protestants hate the Catholics?
2. Why did the Penal Laws exist in the first place?
3. How much of a psychologicalimpact did the Catholic's inferior status have on the members of the clergy?
4. If the religious oppression wasn't the main reason for the Irish emigration what was?

1. officiating
2. catalyst
3. exodus

to be contiued.......

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