Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Irish Americans #5

1. Canals were a big thing in the 1820s.
2. 40 majior cannals were built between 1785 and 1850
3. They stretched From Boston to Richmond all the way to Richmond.
4. Some Irish alos worked on the railroads.
5. 393 were irish

1. Why were Canals such a big thing?
2.why were rail roads not as big?
3. Who were the more unskilled population?
4. What would have happened if there were no Irish ditchdiggers?

1. pick- a diggin tool
2. migrated workers- those who move from job to job
3. wages- pay

literary terms
1. "... like unskilled..." similie (Can't finish quote due to inappropriates language)
2. man vs. man

Over View
1. this chapter spoke about the jobs the Irsh preformed

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