Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Body of Work #6

  1. When the body was open she got even more nervous
  2. She felt slightly sick.
  3. Her other classmates were extremely nervous to.
  4. The smell of the lab made her sick thinking about it.


  1. why would she want to be a doctor if the though made her nervous?
  2. why did she start to become a doctor so late?
  3. would her teachers make a lasting and influential impression?
  4. how many bodies would she disect in medical school?


  1. Clavicle- the long curved bone that connects the upper part of the breastbone
  2. Sternum- the breast bone
  3. Xyphoid- a section below the sternum

Literary terms

  1. "...stif as a rock."
  2. " ... smelled like something I've never smelled."

Over view

  1. This section spoke mainly about her feelings about the disection again.

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